A compact midi controller with 4 long throw faders, "pickup mode", LED feedback, and up to 68 assignable CCs
Turning a MicroKORG synth with broken keys into a module
A MIDI Controller based on the Raspberry Pi Pico featuring MIDI IN/OUT (USB and DIN), cherry style keys, RGB LEDs, and a bunch fun features.
A portable USB MIDI control surface featuring up to 51 mappable sliders.
Just a lil' video mixer with 2x RCA inputs, and one RCA output.
An idea that I had to use bouncy guitar strings as a MIDI input device. Super fun to play.
How to I use Python to automate some audio processing tasks, like normalization, phase issue correction, renaming, and more.
Some notes on how I efficiently rip cassette tapes using a Zoom field recorder. I'm using a Zoom H2N, but I'm guessing almost any modern field recording device would work.
MIDI 4x4 drum pad and midi looper based on the Raspberry Pi Pico.
Build your own contact microphones with a couple of cheap piezo elements and an old AUX cable
Learn how go make a passive loop antenna to listen to electromagnetic blips and buzzes in the world around you (similar to Priezor LOM)
A simple guide for non-technical folks who want to speed mod a tape player.
A simple DIY USB MIDI drum pad based on the Raspberry Pi Pico. It has a little screen, 16 non-velocity sensitive arcade-style buttons, and 3 potentiometers for volume / FX control.
Powered by a Teensy 4.0 and is pretty much what it sounds like. Break a laser with a finger and then remove it to play a synthesized harp sound.